Our pets know when we're about to go on a trip. When we get our suitcases out, our cats freak out.
"Are... are you leaving us?"
"Where are you big cats going?"
"Take us with you!"
They lay inside and on top of our suitcases. Either they're trying to stowaway or they're trying to prevent us from leaving. It could be both. As we get ready to load up in the car they both sit right in front of the door. When we try to pack, they drag our clothes into their litter box - or, at least my clothes.
When we get back they wait for us right by the door.
Our cats might be strange, but at least we know they love us.
Adorable! Our cats live at our Gramma's apartment and when she is away we drive over to feed them and Trampy is always sitting in the window when we pull up. He even knows our car because as soon as he sees us he runs to the door to meet us there.